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Drone Safety Day 2022!

Dong Won Lee

Written by Greg Barnes

Happy Drone Safety Day, everyone!

Part of our job as FAA Safety Team (FAAST) Representatives is not just to promote flying, but to promote safe flying. The FAA Safety Team promotes safety with both manned and unmanned aircraft (drones). We’re into drones, and if you've read any of our previous stuff, you know we’re big on safety too, so being involved with FAAST is a natural fit for us.

June 18th is officially Drone Safety Day, and to celebrate that, we local Guam FAA Safety Team Representatives have teamed up to create a video for the occasion.

Pearla Cordero, me, and Dong Won Lee share our thoughts on Drone Safety Day 2022.

The Guam/Micronesia FAAST representatives are Pearla Cordero from Bella Wings Aviation, Dong Won Lee from right here at 2cofly, and myself, Greg Barnes, also from 2cofly. A couple months back, I wrote a piece for this very blog on the topic of drone safety, partly centered around us local FAAST reps. Please check that out.

In planning for this video, it was very important for us not to create something just for this year, but something that could be relevant throughout the entire year, and even for years to come. We wrote the script to be as timeless as it could be. We appeared in the video, and we did the editing. From beginning to end, this video has been our project, and we are very pleased to share it.

Pearla, in her portion of the video, shares a general overview of drones. In my part, I speak about safety training and standards. Finally, Dong, in the 3rd section of the video, talks about all the opportunities that commercial drone pilots have in many different fields.

Interspersed throughout the entire video is gorgeous B-roll. For the most part, the B-roll is from Guam, but we added just a little bit from our trips to Palau as well. The video is really informative, but we think this B-roll adds to the beauty of the video and also makes it more entertaining to watch.

Again, we are so pleased to share this video with everyone. please check it out here, and feel free to pass it around! Fly safe, everyone.


blog written by

Greg Barnes

Operations Manager

(671) 689-7939


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