Written by Greg Barnes
Ty Whitaker is one of Guam’s most recent Part 107 pilots — and also one of the youngest! He was introduced to drones through a class at his high school, and got his Part 107, at the age of just 18.
Lots of things interest Ty, such as knives. He thinks they’re cool and they make them happy, but he loses interest after about 5 minutes when he realizes he has no use for them.
When Ty was first introduced to drones, he was initially very excited — just as he is with knives and many other things before he gets bored with them. But when he saw all that drones can be used for, Ty was determined to move beyond that “shallow initial interest” and actually do something useful with drones.
To prepare for his knowledge test, Ty took 2cofly’s very own Part 107 Test Prep online course.
“I would recommend the course as your main source of information,” he said, saying that it’s great as a one-stop study shop “of all the topics in the test.” He also appreciated the practice tests and other resources our online course comes with.
He recommends new students of that course to take advantage of those resources, especially if they’re “gunning for that 100% score reward.”
(What Ty was referring to is our special reward for anybody who studies using our online course and scores a 100% on their actual test — we’ll give those people a FREE DRONE — a DJI Mini 3! Of course, there are some common-sense conditions, and you can read those at the bottom of this post!)
Even though Ty trusts our course as his main source of information, he also recommends diversifying where you get your information regarding Part 107. Similarly, we encourage all our students, when they’ve gone through our course, to take multiple practice tests not just on our website, but also on other websites, just to be prepared.
And Ty was prepared. His favorite test questions were about “coded” information like METARs and TAFs — he was deeply satisfied decoding those types of things. Out of 60 questions, maybe only 5 really stumped him — some questions about weather and sectional charts. “But for the most part, the course helped me. It was very good, everything was really well-made.” And “it’s nice that it’s made on Guam.” He “definitely recommends” that others who are interested take the course.
Ty, we really appreciate you as a person, and really love the fact that you poured your dedication into learning. We can’t wait to see what you end up doing with drones!
To get a FREE drone through 2cofly's Part 107 course:
You must be a registered member of our course. (No borrowing a friend's login and expecting a free drone.)
You must be a paid member of this course. (If we gave you access to this course for free, sorry, you're not eligible.)
You must score 100% on the first try of your initial knowledge test. (If you failed before and you get 100% on a subsequent try, sorry, that doesn't count.)
You must have your test proctor from TrendVector Aviation send us the sheet that says your score. We will not accept it if you send us a pic yourself. (Lots of people are WAY too good at Photoshop these days!)
You must take your initial knowledge test after signing up for this course! (You can't go out, score 100%, and then buy access to our course knowing that you'll get a free drone — it doesn't work that way!)
You must not be certified under Part 61 as a pilot or instructor of any kind.
Current or former 2cofly employees, their immediate family members, and current or former 2cofly interns, are not eligible.
2cofly is a full service drone service provider in Guam and Micronesia. Our company has two primary focus areas: construction and education.
We work with construction and engineering firms and offer:
Orthomosaic Mapping (+ Planimetric Mapping)
Topographic Mapping (via LiDAR & photogrammetry)
General LiDAR Mapping (land feasibility study, power line, etc)
Aerial Inspection
Aerial Magnetometry (underground metal detection)
Part 107 education and drone training
For free consultation, contact us at dwl@2cofly.com
Marketing agency: KLARA M
written by
Greg Barnes
Operations Manager
(671) 689-7939